Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Solar-Powered Flight: Its Pros and Cons

[This is an article I wrote as a "test drive" for a client. 
I think I didn't pass the test. I was not paid for the article.]

Swiss aeronauts Bertrand Piccard and Andrè Borschberg are set to take off anytime this week in their attempt to circumnavigate the globe aboard Solar Impulse 2. The aircraft, powered by 17,000 solar cells in its 72-meter-long wing, is the successor of the Solar Impulse prototype – the aircraft that made the first solar intercontinental flight in 2012. The utilization of solar energy as aircraft engine fuel is well underway to advancement as new innovations arise. What are the advantages of using solar heat for propelling aircrafts? What is the frontier of solar flight?

Solar Impulse

Solar Energy is Unlimited
One good thing about solar energy is that, unlike other sources of renewable energy like hydroelectric power, it is unlimited. The sun, on the one hand, will always be there as long as days pass by on Earth. On the other hand, rivers and lakes – which are sources of hydroelectric power – may dry out because of drought. Moreover, the sun gives the earth solar radiation amounting to 121 petawatts (a petawatt is equivalent to 1015 watts.) So imagine how many solar planes can be powered by 121,000,000,000,000,000 watts from the sun? It would be more than enough.

Solar Power is Environment-Friendly
Unlike typical aircrafts fuelled by aviation gas, solar-powered planes do not emit noise and harmful gas. European Union observed that greenhouse gas emissions by aircrafts increased to 87% starting from 1990 to 2006. By using solar energy in powering aircrafts, we help prevent global warming.

C-141 Starlifter emitting harmful gas

Fuel Savings For Airline Companies
Fuel represents the biggest fraction of the total expenses for airlines. However, if the price of fuel goes down, it does not mean that airfare prices also go down. According to Megan McCarthy, a spokeswoman for United Airlines, airfares are not driven by cost, but by demand. Therefore, there would be a large amount of savings for airlines if airplanes are solar-powered. Furthermore, bigger savings would mean better services so there will be more flights, and consequently, more airports.

Space Explorations
Having mentioned the good things, there is one thing that solar-powered aircrafts would do no good. That would be the advancement of space explorations. Since these aircrafts require radiations from the sun, it will be impossible for ‘solar’ rockets or drones to explore beyond the range of the sun. If there will be further advancement of space technology in the future, it is certain that solar energy as fuel will never be a part of that.



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